Fine Art – Word and Image / Tower of Babel
This series is informed by the biblical account of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). It incorporates Pieter Bruegel’s painting,The Tower of Babel (1567).
I find this image or motif particularly relevant to our culture. The post postmodernist belief that language is power and necessary to create one’s own truth is anti-foundational. It promotes relativistic language where there is no absolute authority or meaning. Words become merely social constructs and “the world is a text.” We create our own story and meaning. We make a “name for ourselves.”
The biblical Tower of Babel account points to the God who created language, who spoke the heavens and the earth into existence, who in his grace “confounded” the one language to spread the peoples over the earth to tend and care for it, and who enters time and space to communicate with us through his Word, the Babe of Bethlehem. “The Word became flesh,” the Living Word, who redeems our babble and our Towers of Babel.