A Sacrifice / The Burghers of Calais

Original price was: $490.00.Current price is: $475.00.

A Sacrifice / The Burghers of Calais

12 x 12 inches
oil, wax. gold, and newspaper on panel (black floater frame)

A golden port city image was the base for this painting about sacrifice. When the port city of Calais, France was besieged by England, in exchange for lifting the siege, the city sacrificed six of its citizens. Rodin memorialized this historical event in “The Burghers of Calais.” The red above their heads indicates this sacrifice and the gold vertical edge suggests a glimpse into the eternal city and the sacrifice of Jesus.


A Sacrifice / The Burghers of Calais

12 x 12 inches
oil, wax. gold, and newspaper on panel (black floater frame)

A golden port city image was the base for this painting about sacrifice. When the port city of Calais France was besieged by England in exchange for lifting the siege, the city sacrificed six of its citizens. Rodin memorialized this historical event in “The Burghers of Calais.” The red above their heads indicates this sacrifice. The gold vertical edge suggested a glimpse into the eternal city and the sacrifice of Jesus.

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