Show Me Your Glory (2) 48 x 48 acrylic and charcoal

Show Me Your Glory

48 x 48 inches
acrylic and charcoal on paper and panel
This painting began a series of drawings about poignantly relevant Scriptures concerning my journey as an artist. This title is taken from Exodus when Moses asked God to show him his glory. I too was asking God to show me his glory and especially how to visually portray his glory. I was like Job on an  ash-heap of straw and ashes. Around the perimeter of the painting are the words of a poem by Barb Knuckles who I had met recently at an arts conference.
We children of God are gold hammered flat into brunished scribblings.
From oblique angels we  appear earth ochre dark devouring light,
Yet turned full front illumined by the one who makes us what we shall become
We are filled with brilliance, flashes of glory, etched and defined by the colors of our sorrows, redeemed.