Featured in BOLD JOURNEY today -February 19, 2025
The Opening Reception Postposed to November 2nd 10:00 – 2:00. (Artist Talk:11:30)
Because of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene and the catastrophic damage to Asheville’s River Arts District, Bowie Art Center is extending the exhibit through February. Grace Bomer’s Warehouse Studio is still not accessible due to repairs.
Link to Facebook to see videos and photos of THE WORD MADE VISIBLE.
Karios Gallery Opening , St Andrews, Mount Pleasant, SC

April 12, 2024
EKSTASIS / Inkwell Event at Duke — A nights of ideas and the arts sponsored by Ekstasis (Christianity Today).
Ekstasis publishes poetry, essays and artist profiles that slant toward the triumphant and glorious aspects of life in Christ, framed through the arts and literature.
Visual Artists: Jaden D Blango (Duke), Curtis Newkirk Jr. (Richmond), Grace C Bomer (Asheville)
Boger Gallery, College of the Ozarks, Lookout Point, MO
March 19 – April 23, 2024
As you view the work in the 21 paintings in the exhibit at the Boger Gallery link, I encourage you to look deeply at each piece. The artists involved in this exhibition are some of the most prominent and respected artists of Christian faith in the country. Each has selflessly donated his or her artwork and eagerly joined this project. All pieces in the gallery are for sale, and 100% of sale proceeds will be used to establish a benevolence fund for the community of contemporary icon painters centered around Lviv, Ukraine. If you are interested in a piece to purchase. Please direct message Boger Gallery.
My piece called “The Fellowship of Suffering” is 8 x 22 inches.
Here is a link to the show’s statement from the curator as well as images of all artwork. (scroll down 🙂
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Thank you Matt Tommey for the interview!
(Matt titled this interview, “When Your Art Does The Talking,” but it seems I did a lot of talking here! To see more artwork, check out the You Tube on my About Page.)
I will be teaching a workshop on August 18 -19, 2022, for Gathering of Artisans. Click here for more information.

Farther Up and Further In
“Further Up and Further In”
David Lutes, the gallery director for All Saints Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas, titled the exhibit of my work, Further Up and Further In, a quote from C.S. Lewis’ The Last Battle, the final book in The Chronicles of Narnia.
I will be speaking about my exhibit on Friday Nov 5th. noon with lunch provided, the final stop on CIVA’s TRANSCEND Biennale EXPLORE Tour.
The exhibit will continue through November 21st. For those who cannot attend, I have included David’s beautiful statement.
“We chose this title to emphasize the powerful connection between Grace’s work and the eternal movement of those who follow Christ. In her work, Grace draws your mind and heart further into God’s great redemption story through intricate, arresting imagery, beautiful and bold use of color, and themes steeped in God’s Word. This mirrors our expectation each time we gather to worship God and feast around His table — that He is faithful to draw us further up and further into Himself and pour His love into us that we would then pour it into others.
“Grace’s work not only reflects this reality of Christian worship and mission, but it points us toward the hidden depths that we’ve only just begun to plumb as we follow Christ in our earthly lives. It’s fitting, then, that when Aslan, the great lion and Christ-figure in Narnia, calls out, “Further up and further in,” he’s spurring his children onward into heaven. There is an eternity’s-worth of love and beauty and wonder to discover as we search Christ’s depths, and we’re thankful for how God has gifted Grace to spur us onward in our journey together toward Him and His new creation.”
EXHIBITIONS (links to work in the exhibit)
The CIVA TRANSCEND Biennale was held in Austin, TX on November 4-6, 2021. My talk at All Saints Presbyterian was included as one of the CIVA ArtTours. All Saints Presbyterian was last stop on the tour and provided a lunch before my talk. It was such a pleasure meeting the folks responsible for hosting this exhibit of my work. Thank you David and Sonya! And thankyou to those who purchased work as well.
Opening Reception at Cairn University’s Connie A. Eastburn Gallery Sept 3. 2021
200 Manor Avenue | Langhorne, PA 19047-2990
Global City Babel will hang through the fall semester.

Invitational Group Exhibit -Galerie AZUR Berlin
I have followed Sandra McCracken’s music for years. A friend posted the You Tube video (below) combining my artwork with her song Abiding City in 2006. It was a delight to do this interview about “musical and visual transcendence, creativity, and community” for CIVA SEEN fifteen years later.
Created by the Creator God
in all things: a publication of the Andreas Center at Dordt University
“Old news but timeless. It will give you a overview of my work as a Christian and an artist.
ARTS & CULTURE – Rapid River Magazine August 2021
Artist Grace Bomer “Exploring the Drama Through Faith and Art
Thank you Dennis Ray for featuring my work on the cover and the Interview with full page images on pages 11-21
Easter Worship Service at Holy Cross Lutheran Church St Louis 2021
Many of my paintings are included in the video but especially in their Easter bulletin.
Lent Lectio Diva Service Holy Cross Lutheran Church, St Louis
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, St Louis — Ash Wednesday Service Feb 2021
KAIROS GALLERY St Andrews Church, Mt. Pleasant, SC April 14th- July 22nd
Artist’s Talk April 17th
ARTS & CULTURE Virtual Feature APRIL ’21 (Cover and pp. 9-23)
CLICK ON LINK Rapid River Magazine

Asheville Made Featured My Work Virtually in 2020 “lockdown.”
Read it here.
Also Featured in Inaugural Issue November 26, 2017 Asheville Made

the grace paradox the art of grace carol bomer
The paradoxes of God’s grace are central to the Scriptures.
“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.” Luke 9:24

Emmanuel Magazine – Jan-Feb 2019
Front and back cover and Eucharist and Culture by John Christman SSS
The Laurel of Asheville December 2018 Cover
The Laurel of Asheville featured my early watercolor of angels on its December cover and wrote an lengthy article as well. I believe you can read it on-line

The Beautiful: A Juried Art Exhibit Opens at Center Art Galley

2017-2018 CIVA Sourcebook

Utopian Dream: A Gallery and Recital Exploring Luciano Berio’s Folk Songs
These events will include performances of the Folk Songs in a gallery that reflects the eight cultures represented in the songs. The gallery is tailored to interact with the music, celebrating each culture’s unique history and traditions while illuminating cross-cultural themes and commonalities in the human experience. My paintings represented the USA: the songs, I Wonder as I Wander and Black is the Color of my True Loves Hair.
The New School
Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 7:00 pm
University Center, UL102
63 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

Bye-bye bunnies, hello Tower of Babel , Connie Bostic , Mountain Xpress, Asheville NC
This is an older review but still relevent to my Global City Babel Series.

Arte + Fe Exposición Madrid JMJ 2011
An overview of the ARTE-FE in Madrid hanging and opening. Catholic sponsored Art + Faith occurs as part of World Youth Day, or WYD, festivities, begun by Pope John Paul II in 1986. This is being billed as the first show of its kind in modern European history. Kind of staggering, when you consider that Europe was the center of Christian culture for centuries, and their museums stand as proof of that. I could not attend but you can see a glimpse of my piecce twice about two thirds into it.