
Narrative Abstraction


My Narrative Abstraction course of six videos and a Welcome Video, which also describes the course, will help you paint more meaningful and important work - important because you will learn how paint the eternal story. 

It is named Narrative Abstraction because it teaches how I incorporate Narrative (story) into my work, and Abstraction, because it simplifies or makes visible the real invisible world using both representational and non-representational reality. My goal is to paint God's glory and invisible Truth.

The Creator God uses both Abstraction and Narrative to show us his incomprehensible glory, both in his endless display of beauty in the creation itself, "Day to day pours speech and night to night reveals knowledge," Psalm 19, and in the story of the God/man who came to earth. His "abstract" glory came to mankind in representational form. I use the term Incarnational to describe my work. (Incarnation means "putting on flesh"... becoming human.)

I use metaphor to point to a larger story, incorporating words, images, and abstraction. These allude to a Creator who is both Word and Image. Combining non-representational and representational reality, Narrative Abstraction will help you capture a tiny glimpse of the glory of the eternal story.  


  • 1 Section
  • 7 Lessons
  • 3h Duration
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7 Lessons
  1. Welcome Video
  2. Supplies
  3. Preparing to Paint
  4. Continuing to Play - Texture and Techniques
  5. Finishing 2 / Layers
  6. Painting Larger on a Gold-Leafed Ground
  7. Embedding Collage Video 7
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